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Dont fancy this guy much as CTO..or..where have all the evangelists gone?

Of all the places to pick to open his mouth, Bob Gleichauf, CTO of Cisco's Security Group has chosen a Gartner Security summit to say he is scared of the changes that Windows Vista will bring. What a bunch of scaremongering crap from someone who really should know better.

Vista will bring many innovations to the user desktop like TPM and Bitlocker, the combination of which has the entire security world cringing as it's arrival in the hands of the everyday user draws near. Mr. Gleichauf has spoken about the level of complexity that new Vista security measures brings, argues that there are 2 sides to the technology and expects to see the mostly bad in problematic early Vista implementations.

"Parts of Vista scare me," Gleichauf said at the Gartner Security Summit here on Monday. "Anything with that level of systems complexity will have new threats, as well as bringing new solutions."
Gleichauf told CNET News.com's sister site ZDNet UK that Cisco views the Microsoft operating system update, set for broad release in January, as a bearer of possible solutions to security problems, but also as a potential trigger of security issues.

"Vista will solve a lot of problems. But for every action, there's a reaction and unforeseen side-effects and mutations. Networks can become more brittle unintentionally," Gleichauf said.

Wake up Bob !! There's been a good and bad side to every technology breakthrough you or I could think of for the past 2 centuries, and advances like TPM and BitLocker will probably suffer the same fate sooner rather than later as they are hacked, cracked and generally abused. There's always that one guy who puts the good tool to bad use. But, rest assured, the truely great will push ever onwards and continue to innovate. There lies the challenge for all in this industry...incubate, make it great, then innovate!

As a major MS partner, this commentary is disappointing coming from a senior Cisco exec who should be passionate about the advances Microsoft have brought to the operating system, and be talking up the possibilities, evangelising every solution that could sit around a more secure MS operating system on Cisco secured networks, the perfect software/hardware partnership.
So quit the scare tactics and attempts to sell more boxes Bob and let's hear something valuable next time.

Cisco Exec - Windows Vista is Scary!

Microsoft should be very proud of what they've achieved in advancing the OS with Vista to date. If nothing else it's shown real initiative and imagination and a hunger and determination to lead that has been missing for a while.

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